anx·i·e·ty aNGˈzīədē/ a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome….. I’ve pretty much had this issue my whole life! One that I can honestly say I’m not of ashamed of. I use to go back and forth between the whole concept of, “if you believe hard enough He(God) will fix the problem” and “well if you say you have anxiety or depression than your speaking it into existence”. Here’s the thing though…… no one can really move forward or overcome a obstacle like this if they’re not allowed to be human and actually feel and really try to work through with what they struggle with and why. I do believe that God can heal but He doesn’t always. I don’t believe that He wants to just fix everything for us so that we can live this happy fairy tale fantasy for the rest of our lives. Depression seems to have a strong hold in my family. I’m not ashamed to say that I go through seasons of it. I’m also pretty sure anxiety runs...