Stress seems to follow
us wherever we go. Rather that’s at work, at home, at school, and hanging out
with family and friends. It seems like we can never get away from it. I have
found my whole mood change because I’m not recognizing the amount of stress I
have in my life. We are so busy and always in motion that for a lot of us we
don’t recognize the stress. Stress can
cause so much inconvenience for us later in our lives in sometimes right away. Today I was really trying to enjoy playing
with my kids but noticed they were just Way to LOUD for me, that eventually I
wasn’t enjoying their company but becoming more irritable by their company. It
was so loud to me that I felt like I needed to withdraw myself from their
presence in go into my room. So, I did and after I did I start thinking to
myself why does normal sound annoy me because it never did before. So I went to
look up articles by doctors on how stress can really impact our body and
senses. So apparently, stress can lead to a lot of things like, weight gain,
weight loss, sensitivity to noise, depression, anxiety and other things as
well. After reading about 10 articles that basically said all the same things,
I questioned myself and wonder what am I supposed to do because I still have to
live my life. While I was sitting, this scripture popped up in my head,
The part of the
scripture that got my attention the most was “ When you pray, go to your room
and close the door, Pray privately to your Father who is with you. Your Father
sees what you do in private. He will reward you.” Than it cliqued with me, just
like God wants us to come to Him to talk to Him, we also need to do that for
ourselves. Even when you don’t feel like your stressed out it is good to go and
take time for yourself, by yourself with your phone off, tv off, and some
relaxing music and just sit. It is good to find that quiet place every day so
that we can keep some sanity. Lol.
If we can’t make private time for ourselves than we will never feel rewarded. We will not be as useful as we can be to others, to our families and friends and our work. In order to keep shining our light and blessing others, even though sometimes it’s doesn’t feel like a blessing, we MUST take time for ourselves. We MUST make peace with ourselves, so we’re not walking around snapping on others about the peace we don’t have. LOL. In all serious though, we as woman, mothers, wives, co -workers and leaders have to find our quiet place and spend time with ourselves because that is a reward all by itself!
If we can’t make private time for ourselves than we will never feel rewarded. We will not be as useful as we can be to others, to our families and friends and our work. In order to keep shining our light and blessing others, even though sometimes it’s doesn’t feel like a blessing, we MUST take time for ourselves. We MUST make peace with ourselves, so we’re not walking around snapping on others about the peace we don’t have. LOL. In all serious though, we as woman, mothers, wives, co -workers and leaders have to find our quiet place and spend time with ourselves because that is a reward all by itself!
So my challenge to you beautiful woman who were
fearfully and wonderfully made, take 5-10min (if you have more time…than use
more time) out of your day, turn off EVERYTHING , play some soothing spa music,
pull out your journal or your favorite book and just rest and enjoy who you are and what
you have accomplished! God bless you all and don’t forget to take time for
yourself every day this week and moving forward! Because without your beautiful
strength, love and leadership, the worlds around us fall apart and so do we!
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