We all know the real history behind America. We all know that this land belongs to the Native Americans. We all know that their people were raped, beaten and murdered. We all know that Black America exist because the same thing happened to our ancestors and the only difference between the Native Americans and Black Americans is that Black Americans were takin from their home land and brought to a continent that was also taken. We know the sick twisted history of the land of the free. We also know that the only people that are really free in this "great" country is white America. We all know that all white people aren't racist and we all know that their are whites and people of color that choose to ignore the truth. We all know that EVERYONE on this "great" continent is an immigrant, so how dare ANYONE be upset about people trying to make a living and take care of their families to. We all know that their are always bad apples in the bunch, bad apples of ALL races. So since we ALL know the things, why aren't things moving forward?
FORGIVNESS A conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.
This concept goes for everyone! Every person of color that was ever wronged, you have to be able to forgive. We sit here and grieve over children being murdered by cops. We sit here and see mentally ill people get killed by cops. We see the system that is set up against in hopes that we will fail. We won't fail as a HUMAN RACE if we all can just forgive and throw aside out pride for the sack of a better nation and safer nation for everyone! I believing in protesting and I love BLM( Black Lives Matter) how about we use that power and strength and come together to really fight against police brutality. How about we come together and protest the training of our officers that are suppose to protect us all. How about we forgive each other of our past for sack of our kids future. We could make a big change you guys.
My son is only four and here I am preparing him for a future that doesn't have to be. The stress of not knowing if your child will live pass the age of 12 because of the color of his skin, they way he walk, the clothes he wear and the way he talks, is so heavy. I should be thinking about what he will become, not how I need to make him look "less suspicious".He will grow up in a world where he to will have to work just as hard as yours just to prove he is not a "threat". The privilege doesn't have to think about those things, so because you don't have to...I just wanted to tell you what it is like being a black mom, black dad and black guardian. We work twice as hard to raise ours into this world. The hope is that no longer has to be the case.
At the end of the day no one wants to get a phone call about their child being murdered by the law. No one wants to get a phone call about their husband, wife, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother or grandfather being murdered by the law. Those people are our kids, friends, teachers, lawyers, doctors, musicians, artist and the law. As much as we all know the real truth, we all have one thing in common.......WE DON'T WANT THAT CALL. We ALL have to work together with each other and no longer see BLACK, WHITE, NATIVE, LATINO, etc., but rather see the HUMAN COLOR. Forgiveness is the first step..... and that's when we will all see ALL Lives MAtter, The Future Matters and our KIDS LIVES MATTER! Just another session of Shay's thoughts! Welcome to my world. Much Love and peace!
I'm out!
I pray all that have died, that we learn from your deaths and resurrect you through forgiveness and finally seeing each other for the first time as....... HUMANS.
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