Feeling weary

Lately I have been feeling weary. Before you know it, the weariness turns and to resentment, bitterness and eventually hate. I have spent my whole life pouring out love into others and really trying to help them see the potential that they have and show through my actions that love does still exist. Sometimes a person can be exposed to so much pain and hate that they don’t even recognize what real love looks like because of people using it so wrong. Any how I have gotten to the state of feeling weary and discontinuing my work in youth care. I feel as though God is preparing me for something so much bigger than what I am currently doing. I have been working with teenagers since I was a teen myself and has enjoyed even the ugliest moments of it. Now I feel it is time to move on to something different. I’m at a different place in my life. I feel like working with people will always be my thing. God has given different gifts and a new vision, one that I plan on following. I may be very weary right now but at the end of the day I have to be able to push through it.  For the most part I feel like I have been getting spiritually attacked through my thoughts. When God show me a vision I start feeling these feelings of discouragement and having thoughts like I’m not God enough or there is someone better than me and eventually I just decided not to pursue the vision but I never quit. I can’t. God has gotten me too far to just quiet. I am slowly coming to the realization that every part of your life isn’t going to be the most enjoyable but that doesn’t mean that those unenjoyable moments weren’t meant to shape you. God is shaping every moment of my day. I am now in the process of preparing myself for the next move in my life and my family’s life. Sorry if the post wasn’t of my norms but a sistah needed to vent! Love you guys and thank you for supporting me in my adventures. Oh, yeah, a how-to video is coming soon I’m just learning how to edit and stuff! Peace and much love!!! At the end of the day you only live once, so why not live it to your fullest potential. This may not be the end of me working with young people but maybe it's just suppose to look different!

Also for any one that may work where I work I’m simply just sharing how I feel so please don’t feel like you have to call me to try to keep me in this line of work LOL 😊 it wouldn’t be necessary.

The verse I cling to this week is: “ but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Below is one of my favorite worship songs! Enjoy and let it bless you.


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