Welcome to my world!

Hi! This is my first time writing  a post on my own blog!!! So how about I just tell you who I am first than next blog we can get into something more personal! Well any how.. I am a wife, mother, friend and I really love natural hair. I actually braid hair and style natural hair but decided I didn't want to make a career out of it because  for some reason it stripped the joy away from doing hair( the business side)! So now I just braid and style hair as a hobby! I also love music. I write my own songs and play the piano.
I love being a wife and  being a mom. Grant it both of the roles are pretty difficult to balance but with time they become a little easier day by day. My husband and I moved to a new state about a year ago for work and that by itself has been a transition, especially since our whole support system didn't move with us! LOL. I am currently in this weird phase of my life where I don't really care about what people think about me. Like before I cared to a degree but now it's like... bye... I'm grown and will live my life the way I choose to but at the same time keeping in mind that I am a representation of my husband and my kids. Before I was a representation of the church, youth that look up to me, my work, my husband and kids. I've have learned so much as far as who I should be pleasing. I am very much so a believer of the Word of God... without the religious mind set because after all I had that for about the past 10 years. Like how I have to talk a certain way, act a certain way and basically not be   PERSON with feeling and failing ( that's how I felt... my pastors where rocks tars)! lol. For the most part I felt like I was placed on this pedestal by others because I was a worship leader, youth leader and dance team leader. So in my mind I could never fail because I would considered unfit and unworthy. I spent so much of my life trying to make sure I  didn't fail others but while doing that I only failed myself because I kept the real me inside this box because I didn't want to deal with peoples judgements.
So now I am at a median in my life where I don't care what people think and will live my life as free as possible with the guidance of God. I am a woman who has overcome so many challenges in life and I hope my stories are a word of encouragement to you and others. So I'm stepping out of my box and pursing the things that I believe God has called me to pursue because I have everything I need to be who God called me to be and so do you!


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